Wednesday, 18 August 2021

 Ramayanam Set (15 scenes)

Ramayanam Story through Dolls!

Guhan Oodam set.

Travelling southwards, they crossed the Tamsa, the Ved Shruti and the Gomati and reached the southern boundary of the Kosala kingdom. Turning his face toward Ayodhya, Ram folded his hands and bowed his head in reverence saying, “I take leave of you, O Motherland. At the expiry of the period of exile, I shall again see you and my dear parents.”
Agaligai sabam vimochanam set

 When asked by Rama, Vishwamitra related the story, “Ahilya was an extremely beautiful woman. Once Indra, bewitched by her beauty, entered the sage’s bedroom in the guise of Gautam while he was away. Ahilya could not recognise him. While Moon god was leaving the hut, sage Gautam returned. He got annoyed and cursed Ahilya to turn into stone. Since then she has been waiting for you. Go and liberate her from the curse with the touch of your foot.”

As soon as Rama touched the stone, it regained the form of young beautiful Ahilya. Washing Rama’s feet with her tears, she said, “I was a sinner. You have granted me salvation. No doubt, you are God incarnate.” Having said so, she left for the heaven.

Seethai ponman set

Maricha took the shape of a beautiful deer and Ravan the guise of a poor ascetic wandering through the forest begging for alms.

Another depiction - Maaricha came in the form of a beautiful deer to lure Sita and later this led to Ravana abducting Sita.

Another artist's depiction of the incident.

Ram rushed away chasing a golden deer for Sita and suggesting Lakshman to guard Sita.

As soon as Ram shot an arrow at the deer, it came to its real form. While falling down on the ground, Mareech cried, “Sita!!! Lakshmana!!!”

When Sita heard the cry, she felt uneasy and said to Lakshmana, “It seems that your brother is in some trouble. Go and help him at once.”

Lakshmana was in a fix but Sita compelled him to leave the hut . So Lakshmana drew a circle round the hut and said, “Dear sister-in-law-! Never come out of this line. I am going to look for my brother.” Saying so, he proceeded into the forest.

Lakshmanam soorpanagai mukku Aruthal set.

Sree Rama suggesting Supranakha to request Lakshmana to agree to her proposal.

When Surpanakha realized she was not going to win both Ram or Lakshmana, she got angry and thought of killing Sita so that Rama will not have a wife.

Seeing this horrific act against Sita, Lakshmana got angery and ran to Surapanakha with his sword.

Lakshmana got really angry at Surpanakha for trying to kill Sita and bothering them with her mad request. He disfigured her with the sword to scare her away.

Shoorpnakha reached Ravana. Bewailing bitterly she said to Ravana, “Just see; how have I been disgraced by the two princes of Ayodhya. Not only this, they have killed your brothers – Khara and Dushan too. If you do not avenge my disgrace and the death of your brothers, men and gods will become fearless. But I am sorry to observe that you have ignored the welfare of your subjects, clan and kingdom. You are always drunk and lost in pleasure while your enemies are hovering around you.

Hearing these words, Ravana again flew into a rage and said, “You are right, sister. I must go to Mareech for help.” Saying so, he returned to Mareech.

Sabaree viruthu set.

Both the brothers reached the western bank of the Pampa Lake. There they were received and entertained by a saintly old lady, Shabri by name. She was an old lady belonging to a jungle tribe. Seeing both the brothers coming towards her, she said, “My long –cherished desire is going to be fulfilled, Ram. I had been alive for this happy occasion only.” Saying so, she went into the forest to bring wild-berries for Ram and Lakshmana.

Sabari came back soon with sweet berries. Giving them to both the brothers, she said, “Accept this humble fare, please. I have tasted them one by one. Not a single of them is sour. They are all very sweet.”
Raman parathan pathugai set.

“I can never do so, dear brother,” retorted Ram. 

“But why after all?” asked Bharata.

“Because I am bound by the boons given by dear father to Mother Kaikeyee,” replied Ram.

“If a person must live in exile for fourteen years to keep the boon of dear father, I am here to do it, “suggested Bharata.

“No, dear, Bharat, according to his boons, I am to live in exile while you are to mount the throne. So you must run the government till I am in exile,” argued Ram.

“All right; if this is your wish, I must run the administration but in your name only. These wooden shoes of yours will be placed on the throne as a token.” Saying so, Bharata returned to Ayodhya with Ram’s wooden shoes.

Ramar sukrevan natpu set.

Soon Rama and Laxmana were invited to visit the camp where with the help of Sugreeva and other friends they were sure to find out some way to locate as to where Sita could have been taken away.

Sugreeva had run away from his kingdom in the fear of his elder brother Bali. Bali was very powerful and cruel king of Kishkindha. He had once defeated the mighty Ravana also. As it happened, once a demon Mayawi challenged Bali's supremacy. Bali accepted the challenge and fight broke out between the two. They entered one cave and continued their fight inside. Bali specifically told Sugreeva to remain stationed at the mouth of the cave and wait for him for fifteen days. "I will kill this demon and return", Bali told Sugreeva.

But even after more than fifteen days, nobody returned. one day blood was seen flowing from the cave and Sugreeva thought that Bali must have been killed, and it was likely that the demon would kill him too. So Sugreeva ran away to his kingdom and waited for Bali. But Bali did not return even after a few weeks. Therefore he declared himself to be the new king in place of Bali.

A few months passed thus. The injured Bali recovered from his wounds and regained his strength to return to his kingdom. He was trembling with rage when he found that his unfaithful brother has acceded to his throne. He suspected foul play and thrashed Sugreeva almost to death. Somehow Sugreeva escaped and ran for his life to take shelter on the heights of Risyamuk mountains.

Further Rama was told that Bali had also forcefully taken his (Sugreeva's) wife as the new queen. Sugreeva and Hanuman pleaded that Bali was unjust and cruel king and his rule was causing immense hardship and suffering to the people of Kishkindha. Hence, Rama must put an end to his life and make Sugreeva the king again.

Rama agreed as he had seen that although Sugreeva was a coward fellow he was not wicked. He had not occupied the throne intentionally or through scheme. He really believed that Bali was killed in fight. Therefore, Rama accepted him as his friend and promised to eliminate Bali. Accordingly, The party left for the capital city and Sugreeva, under the instructions of Rama, challenged his brother to come out and fight it out for the final decision as to who should rule Kishkindha. During the fight Rama put an end to the life of mighty Bali with a powerful arrow. Sugreeva thus was reinstated as the king. He promised Rama to help him in finding out the whereabouts of Sita. Accordingly plans were drawn and four groups were formed to reach out East, West, North and South territories.

Vaali vatham set.

Jadayu mocham set

Going over a considerable distance, they found Jatayu lying half dead on the ground. They ran to him and recognised him. He said, “Lakshmana! He is Jatayu, our father’s friend.” Saying so, both the brothers sat beside the dying vulture.

Relating the story of his scuffle with Ravana, Jatayu said, “seeing me helpless, Ravana once again put Sita into his chariot and moved on. Sita went on throwing her bangles and ornaments on the ground.”

“Who is the Ravana, after all. Let me know,” asked Ram. — with Dhanya Prasanth, Prasanth Ayyanchira, Valsala Ravi, Sudheesh Ev and Akki Alakkadan.

Then Jatayu told Ram, “When I saw that Ravana was forcibly carrying Sita, I pounced on the cruel demon. Finding me as fearful as death, Ravana got plunged into worry and murmured, “Oh! Wherefrom has this cruel vulture come? I flew into a rage and dragged Ravana outside his chariot using my strong claws. Not only this, I pierced his body with my sharp strong beak. I rescued Sita and was about to move back with her when Ravana attacked me with his sword and cut off my wings. I fell down on the ground uttering your name.”

Then Ram asked, “Where has Ravana taken Sita to? Let me know at once,” “That I don’t know,” retorted Jatayu.

Jatayu was just on the verge of death. So he could speak a few words with difficulty. He said, “Ravana is the king of demons and Vishrava’s son.” Saying so, Jatayu breathed his last in Ram’s lap.

Jatayu’s death made Rama even more restless. He said, “I salute you again and again, O Great Vulture. I revere you as much as I do my father.” After it, both the brothers performed the last rites of Jatayu.

Ramar kanayazhi koduthal set.

Seethai kanayazhi vanguthal set.

Sanjeevee parvatham set.

Rama and Ravana – both started using the most lethal weapons. These weapons were extremely dreadful. They struck against each other and fell down in the no-man’s land.

Suddenly Lakshmana started raining fierce arrows on Ravana’s chariot. It killed the charioteer and blew off his flag. Just then Vibhishana joined Lakshmana and killed the horses of Ravana’s chariot.

Ravana was bewildered. He lost courage. He could now perceive Rama's divine powers. His son Indrajit (Meghanath) consoled him and left for the battlefield.

On the first day of his battle with Rama's army, Indrajit was swift with his weapons. He swiftly wiped out the Armies of the Sugriva, calling on the Lord Rama and Lakshmana to come out of their hiding, so he could avenge the deaths of his paternal uncle and his brothers. When Rama and Lakshmana appeared before him, he fought fiercely, and arrested both the brothers using his most nefarious weapon Nagapash (a trap made of million snakes). Both the brothers fell on the ground breathless. They were rescued by the Garuda on behest of Hanuman, who was also the enemy of the serpents.

At that time Meghanath, shot the most lustrous & destructive arrow called "Virghatini", which hurt Lakshaman in the chest and made him unconscious, then Meghanath became fearless.

Rama placed his brother’s head in his lap. Hanuman had already brought Sushen, the physician, along with his cot on which he was sleeping. Lakshmana was lying in a pool of blood. He was smarting under acute pain. Rama said to the physician, “Sir, my brother is badly wounded. Look! How he is chafing in pain. I am awfully worried. Do something to soothe him at once, please.”

The physician consoled Rama and said, “There is nothing to fear, Ram! Send Hanuman to the Mount Mahodaya so that he may bring a life-giving herb (sanjivani) that grows on its southern peak. That herb will relieve all pain and infuse a new life in your brother’s body. But it should essentially reach here before sunrise.”

So, Rama persuaded Hanuman to go and bring the life-saving herb as early as possible. Hanuman at once proceeded on this mission.

When Ravana came to know that Hanuman was going to bring the life-saving herb, he sent a demon, Kalnemi by name, to prevent Hanuman from reaching the Mount Mahodaya. The demon transformed himself into a saint and sitting across Hanuman’s way, began to invoke Rama. Seeing the saint’s hut, Hanuman asked for water. Kalnemi directed him to a nearby lake.

When Hanuman was drinking water at the lake, a giant spider caught his neck. He killed the spider with a blow. The spider became free from a saint’s curse and came to its real form. It said, “You have freed me from the curse. So, I let you know a secret. The saint you met on the way is not a saint indeed. He is a demon sent by Ravana to mislead you.

So, Hanuman came back to Kalnemi and killed him then and there. Then he reached the Mount of Mahodaya but he failed to recognise the herb. So, he carried a part of the mountain along with all the herbs growing on it.

Seeing Hanuman back in time, Rama was very pleased. Placing the mountain piece on the ground, Hanuman said to the physician, “I could not recognise the herb, so I have brought this mountain – piece. Use the herb you want.”

The physician administered the required herb to Lakshmana and he got recovered in no time and got up. All the Vanaras rejoiced at the event in merriment.

As for Rama, his joy knew no bounds and embracing his brother, he said, “Lakshmana! Hanuman has given you a new life. If something unpleasant had happened, I would have been nowhere.” — with Ajith India and Viji Mol.

Ramar pallam kattuthal set.

Bridge Over The Sea

As suggested by the water-god, Nala and Neela constructed a bridge over the sea. The stones used by them began to float on the sea-waters.

Hanuman was restless. Constantly thinking of Rama and Sita, his mind was immersed in the depths of contemplation. He was sure that solution to this problem must be available as Rama was with them. But what would be the solution! He did not yet know. Can they all swim across the sea, no. Can they all fly over the sea, no. Engrossed in such deep thoughts and constantly taking the holy name of Rama, he threw a stone in the water in front of him. To his utter disbelief he saw that the stone was floating over the water!!!

He threw another stone and was puzzled that it sank down in the water, it did not float. He could not fathom the secret of this peculiarity: One stone staying afloat and the other sinking! He tried many times but in vain, all the stones subsequently sank down to the bottom of sea. He brought this peculiarity to the notice of his associates. But nobody could explain why one particular stone was floating when it should also have sunk. Angad, Sugreeva, Jambuwanta all tried but no stone remained afloat.

Then Hanuman took the name of Rama and also threw a stone, unintentionally though. And it stayed afloat! The mystery opened up its secret in the intelligent mind of Hanuman. "Oh, I see" shouted Hanuman in ecstasy, "Look brothers, when I throw a stone after taking the name of Rama it floats, and when I throw it without taking his holy name it sinks."

Everyone tried the same thing. And to their joy they all found stones remaining afloat when thrown in the name of Rama. Soon they decided to construct a floating bridge over the sea from Indian coast to the shore of Lanka. Rama also decided to contribute his share of labor. Therefore he threw a stone after taking his own name, but to his amazement the stone he threw did not float. Hanuman was watching this mysterious play of the Lord with great amusement. He came to Rama, bowed down in reverence, and said,

"O Rama, how can the one survive whom you reject? You are throwing this stone away, how can it float! it is surely doomed and would sink down and down. There is no liberation for any person (as well as non-living thing) who is denied your grace. Without your support nobody becomes fit to cross this ocean of worldliness! Taking your name is, However, sufficient to prevent drowning of mortals like us"

Picture of the Vanara Sena is building Raama Sethu - the bridge to Lanka.

Building the bridge to Lanka with each stone carrying Ram's name.

Rama Sethu Nirmaan. Making the incredible bridge from Rameswaram to Lanka. Jai Sree Ram.

Seeing the bridge ready, Rama said to them, “What a nice bridge you have built! I want to perform a sacred ceremony in order to pay homage to Lord Shiva and build a temple in his honour here before I take the Vanara army to the other shore of the sea.

Sree Ram and Lakshmana doing Shiva Pooja for the blessing of Lord Shiva before proceeding to Lanka for the war. This is the place of current Rameswaram temple. One of the Jyothirlinga's of Lord Shiva. Om Nama Shivaya:

Now the Vanara army started its march across the ocean. Some of them jumped into the sea and advanced forward leaning against the railings of the bridge. Some of them flew over the bridge. Most of them went over the bridge in a disciplined way. The noise and the war-cries raised by the large Vanara army shrouded the roar of the violent sea-waves even.

In due course of time, the Vanara army got to the other shore. Seeing the availability of water, fruit and other forest-foods, Sugreeva ordered his army to camp on the sea-shore itself.

Then Rama said to Sugreeva, “Friend! We must lead an attack on Lanka with a strong contingent today itself.” Saying so, Rama took the lead and the army followed him under the command of Sugreeva and Vibhishana.

Ravanan vatham set.

So many centuries and even millenniums after the Rama's victory over Ravana, it is celebrated during Dasara festival. In the nine days before Dasara, scenes from the ancient Ramayana epic were enacted across the country, especially in the north. On the 10th day, there is a ceremonial burning of effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Indrajit celebrating Rama’s victory over Ravana or signifying victory over hubris and ego.

Raman patta abishegam set.

Sree Rama Pattabhishekam. Jai Shree Ram.

At the request of Bharata to take back the kingdom of Ayodhya, Rama accepts the offer and sits on a seat. Bharata and Rama take their bath and get adorned for the occasion. Rama, mounting on an excellent chariot, sallies forth on a procession in the city accompanied by Bharata, Shatrughna, Lakshmana and Vibhishana. Nine thousand elephants follow the procession, with Sugreeva and other monkeys mounted on them. Some attendants and musicians with their musical instruments walk in front of Rama's procession. The citizens of Ayodhya host flags on every house. Rama returns to his paternal palace in Ayodhya. Sugreeva orders four of his monkeys to bring water from four oceans in jars given to them. Some monkeys brought water from five hundred rivers, as also from the four oceans for the purpose of the ceremony. Vasishta along with other brahmins as priests caused Rama to be consecrated with that water. The virgins, ministers, warriors, merchants, the four gods as well as other gods sprinkled sap of all kinds of herbs on Rama. Vasishta and other priests officiating the coronation-ceremony adorned Rama with an auspicious and charming crown.

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