Wednesday 20 September 2017

Navaratri Day 1 – Maa Shailputri

Goddess Shailputri is the first aspect of Goddess Durga. She is best known to be the Goddess of Inspiration and Nature. Navaratri Puja begins with the Puja of Goddess Shailputri. She has been given the name Shailputri because she is the daughter of King of Mountains or Parvat Raj Himalaya. On the first day of Navaratri the name of Goddess Shailputri is venerated as the first form of Goddess Durga.

Since she is defined as the Goddess of Nature so she encourages all human beings to maintain balance in nature and adjures mankind to live in harmony with her.

It is said that once upon a time the whole world was in a threat of the demon, Mahishasura. During that situation Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Kali along with other gods of the Heaven personified their immense power altogether and created Goddess Shakti also known as Goddess Durga. All the Gods ornamented her with their weapons. Goddess Shakti manifests herself in nine different forms. All of these nine manifestations of her are worshipped one by one during nine days and nights of Navaratri. The devotees enter in Moolchakra after worshipping her on the first day of Navaratri Puja.

maa shailputri photoIt is said that the planet Moon is the provider of all fortunes and this planet Moon is governed by Goddess Shailputri. It is also believed that whenever any bad things affect Moon then it can be overcome by worshipping this form of Goddess Durga. Goddess Shailputri is depicted with two hands. On the right hand she carries trident also known as trishul and on the left hand she holds a lotus flower. She is seen to be mounted over bull and because of which she is also known as Vrisharudha. She is often known as Hemavati and Parvati. Her forehead is decorated with a half moon. Being the Goddess of Nature she looks after each and every living organism including trees, animals, human beings, plants, shrubs and even tiny organisms that live on earth.

Shailaputri goddessThe glory of Goddess is incredible and she is the divine deity of purity. Shailputri is being worshipped along with Lord Shiva because she is the wife of Lord Shiva. It is believed according to Hindu mythology that after the self immolation of Goddess Sati, Goddess Parvati took rebirth as a daughter of King of Himalaya and so she is named as Goddess Shailputri. Later on she was married to Lord Shiva just similar to her previous birth. Kumar Kartikay and Ganesha are the two sons of Goddess Shailputri and Lord Shiva.

In Hindu belief all the energies of the entire world converge into one and only Goddess Shailputri. According to them, whatever is present on earth, it is because of her. No life or no matter on earth exists without being a part of Goddess Shailputri. Lord Shiva is known as the Lord of Compassion and Goddess Shailputri spreads this compassion among all masses of the whole world so both Shiva and Shakti are worshipped together.

Article II:

One of all nine forms of Devi Durga is worshipped every day in Navaratri. The first form of Maa Durga is Shailputri, who was born to the King of Mountains. “Shail” means mountain and “putri” means daughter. Hence, she is called Shailputri – the daughter of mountain. Maa Shailputri, an absolute form of Mother Nature, is worshipped on the first day of Navratri. She is also referred to as Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva and mother of Lord Ganesha and Kartikeya. The image of Maa Shailputri is a divine lady, holding a trishul in her right hand and lotus flower in her left hand. She rides on Nandi, a bull.

Maa Shailputri is the goddess of the muladhara chakra or root chakra, and upon awakening this Shakti one begins their journey to spiritual awakening and to their purpose in life. Without energising the muladhara chakra one doesn’t have the power and strength to do anything worthwhile. It is said that one should worship Maa Shailputri to make full use of the precious human life. Therefore, this Avtar of Goddess Durga is worshipped on the first day of Navratri.

Chant this mantra to worship Maa Shailputri…

वंदे वाद्द्रिछतलाभाय चंद्रार्धकृतशेखराम |
वृषारूढां शूलधरां शैलपुत्री यशस्विनीम्‌ ||

Vandē vāddrichatalābhāya candrārdhakr̥taśēkharāma |
vr̥ṣārūḍhāṁ śūladharāṁ śailaputrī yaśasvinīm‌ ||


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